An Asian Departure

My mother passed away today.  She was 88. And in Viet-Nam. I wept all day.  For a life that had suffered a lot. Through wars and strife and sorrow. But the ending was calm. The death was expected.  I got the call on a few days earlier, notifying me that my mother was fading. I …

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As I lie in my bed right now, I can hear the sirens in the distance.  From our (my) bedroom, I hear sirens every day. It’s been that way for years.  Our house is up on a hill, a block or so from Los Angeles’  Sunset Boulevard. A few blocks down on Sunset Boulevard is …

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A Deer in Headlights

I am like a deer in headlights. An impending crash is about to happen and I don’t know what to do. I have until the end of March to file a case, but I still have nothing to work with.  At the beginning of February, I sent Ruth’s medical records to an oncologist who said …

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Waiting for the oncologist

It’s nearing the end of February and I am getting very nervous.  I’m nervous because after the last day of March, I can no longer pursue any action to try to get at the actual truth about Ruth’s treatment.  At that point, all action must legally cease.  And I feel no closer than a year …

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A PostModern Grief?

I miss Ruth so much.  There was this one person on this earth who understood me well, all aspects of me.  In the terms of this culture, she was my “soul-mate.”  No matter how odd my actions and thoughts were, she would listen—and understand.  But that person is no more. In my grief, I’ve thought …

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