Quickie Update: August 29-30– Gympie

Quickie Update

The ride southward, I’ve determined, is all about meeting people. That’s one of the things I love about bike riding. And I’m meeting more and more people. Chris and Cathy, for instance.

A month ago, I was in Hughenden Caravan Park where I met Chris and Cathy Campbell, who were at the camp site next to me. We got to talking and at the end, Chris invited me to his home in Gympie. Because I wanted to meet people on this trip, I took him up on the offer. So on August 29, on my way south toward Sydney, I stopped in Gympie, where Chris and Cathy gracefully hosted me at their home for two days.

Chris taught me quite a bit about pubs (both experientially and its place in Australian society). And he took me to at least 4 pubs– that I could remember. I also learned something about the RSL (Returned Servicemen’s League) Clubs. I saw one in just about every big town but never knew what they were until Chris explained it to me (in brief, they serve as a social gathering place for the community).

At the Theebine Hotel Pub
Theebine Hotel– example of a classic pub

Plus I get to hang out with two warm genuine people, which definitely makes a tour more enjoyable a hundredfold.

At the Eumundi Markets, an event in itself.
At Rainbow Beach
Hell Town Hot Rods

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