How To Choose a Destination

Why do I ride to a certain place?Here’s a whimsical, maybe silly, story about the illogical way I make my choices.

I was watching Last Cab to Darwin, a movie about a dying taxi cab driver heading to Darwin to set up a quasi-legal way to end his life. On the way, he picks up an Aborigine from Oodnadatta. They laugh and joke about the name. The name had enough of a ring to make me remember it.

Ood-na-datta. Ood-na-datta.

And I thought to myself, “Maybe I’ll go there.”

That’s it. Plain and simple.

So almost a year later, there I was at the Oodnadatta Hotel, a small 5- room inn.

Then I find that one of the scenes from the movie was filmed right in the pub there.


So was there like a subliminal suggestion in a movie? And like a fool, I succumbed. Enough to get on a bike and head all the way there.

I thought I was getting away from the movie making air of Los Angeles and– what do you know– in far outback Australia, I run right back into it.

Oh, the suggestion of movies!

Still, I’m glad I went.

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